Never under estimate the power and security of the divine and most intellectual creator of all earthy existence, GOD. Early one summer, I awoke to an extremely empty stomach and a frail pocket to pay for replenishment for my extreme hunger. However, I immediately realized the previous day happened to be the birthday of my dear friend who passed away in December. Michael, a young and vibrant environmentalist died last year shortly after he learned he had malignant cancer.
Michael took advantage of a socialist free health care system in Glasgow, while attending graduate school for environmental engineering. However, Michael remained very optimistic through the last months of his life. He remained as a terrific intellectual and acquired a terrific sprit to love life and cherishes his last moments to enjoy his last few months on this earth. He is of a fortunate few people who ever experience such joy on earth. The cancer while deteriorating his stomach and eating away at his interior, Michael enjoyed the small pleasures in life…like eating. Michael enjoyed eating cheese cake and good southern cuisine. I remember talking to Mike the last week in November and him bragging about how much better he felt, and bragging about his experience of eating chocolate cake. He told me, his experience eating chocolate cake was better than having sex with his last, “hot girl.” And trust me; the cake must have been phenomenal, because Michael definitely loved the ladies. ‘Bless his heart.’
Thinking of how Mike suffered helped with my own aliments of hunger, and not being able to afford a meal. I will make it through, as I was thinking internally. I thought more, how my own personal hero made it through his hunger, but then I also found myself becoming worried. Then I prayed to my Savior, “let peace be still, give me what I need, and not what I want.” That moment alone, I owed God a lot of gratitude for making it this far without having much money to afford the finer things in life. You see, at this moment I owed many bills. I revealed the fact that the day before, one creditor called my job to retrieve the money I owed the company. I owed a lot to others also, such as family ad friends who have become my investors and angels transforming my life. My family and friends who have ensured that I make it enough, to keep fighting against welfare this young, while I lay completely hungry most of my days traveling to various jobs starving miserably.
This day in fact, I prayed. I prayed to God again, “let peace be still, I don’t know GOD, but peace is still. For I shall not worry, as it rests, I shall give my troubles to you to make a way. For tis shall be, and please watch out for my poor weak stomach.” This is the very moment after I left the radio station for the broadcast of the Verb Altitude Hour; I received a check to pay my creditors calling my job, my friends and family calling for their money, and my poor weak stomach to receive an investment.
You see, God sometimes, shall take away and create our low points to receive and appreciate his blessings of true wisdom. It is very few instances such as this, which one sees the Devine Creator in acting, as such a superpower and a brilliant sparkling light in our own miniscule existence. God has the ability to connect one moment in life to another. One dot to the next moment in Earth’s life that allows us to change and grow, and grow into a better person, a person realizing that I cannot and will not know everything, however, if I allow myself to trust in my faith for the Intellectual and Devine creator of all things, Jehovah, he shall give me exactly what I need, when I need it. Not necessarily what I want or when I think I need it, but to appreciate his miraculous blessings. He instills an awe-inspiring investment which makes me strive to define purpose in my life. Faith is what, however, gives me the heart to satisfy my soul. Bless GOD, he who keeps me at my lowest point of existence.
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