Ms. Magnolia Here!

Ms. Magnolia Here!
Future American President.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Blues

Tribute to my lost one on his birthday.....

Have you ever seen or heard the Blues?

Have you made love to it?

Did it make you sob?

Did it make you cry?

When you felt something, tragic, did it bring you to your knees and make you weep?

Did it fill an iron grip around your heart?

Did it create a sickness in your spirit?

What was the death of your spirit..

.The Blues, your Blues, A lost Love you could not have?

Was it a love so great that before it could reach its' full potential, you cry and pray for the time to leave this world?

Was the love of your Blues, a once in a lifetime affair?

When you walk, does it's shadow, follow you?

When it rains, do you smell the lingering of the Blues?

When they sing the Blues: sweet Muddy and sweet James, are you captivated by their presence?

Do they tap you on the shoulder and wake you up before you disappear in the mists of the Blues, at dawn before the sun rises?

Do you stand, howling at the moon?

For in the mists of a second, when taken by the Blues, are you grasping your breast to take a breath of oxygen to recharge your beat to follow the song?

Are you too far gone by the Blues?

To be taken by the end?

I ask you again; have you seen or heard the Blues?

Do you live it?

Does it know you by name?

Do you call on it in the night to serenade you secretly in the middle of the night, in your own private love affair?

How does the Blues move you?

and you will see.