Ms. Magnolia Here!

Ms. Magnolia Here!
Future American President.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Aquimi Quimi

Aquimi Quimi, expel a little on my lil vaginniti’

Is to little lil’ missy-Mr. You…tripppin, for taller.

Shelter my thrust.

To my delight I expel you out.

Is there peace?

Can there be thugs a must?

No my ghetto rhapsody, pardon my extremity.

Clarity and they knew.

Hey speed, please relieve my prosperity.

-my tranquility is disturbing da’ rhythm of my beat to win the final overtake.

-to walk wit’ you, to walk for you?

I speak not!

Only rhythm and tappin’ aye turpentine spoiler, nappin’ and skipattin’ ran-sakin’ like my Chattanoogan-Motha-Masta’… Bessie Smith, herself …spattin’ to that trumpet.

-while we all follow like a jester to your drumin’ and scumin’

I leave out the dirty-‘dirty’ to have peace in da’ song.

Quit battlin’ and come to beastily’ yellin’ to teach them young-ones to stop.

Peace and beatin’

No way of treatin’ my mom, like yours.

Skip them beats, throw…draws sem’ sand brilliantly… let a new day be bumpin,’ so we can be bindin’ in a united spell