Ms. Magnolia Here!

Ms. Magnolia Here!
Future American President.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Life changes us as we grow …
This road of life…
This road of fortune…
This road of aging from ignorance and nativity to accustomed maturity…
It is the presence of divine intervention that is intriguing to contemplate past experiences entrenched in our memory banks.
Humans are the vessels that empower significance in virtue, but do humans own this significance themselves?
For to empower is to empower yourself and to empower others, then who is the vast icon to empower yourself but ones true ambition and goals?
And then is not the individual who seeks change from changing thyself within their own characteristical realm of change in the mind?
So then is not he individual if not motivated by divine intervention from God the only true players who is the entity who can rule a covenants of change themselves…the promises of growth?
Are then the personal motivation to change within the age of maturity from ignorance and nativity to awaken to the world of inquiry and knowledge?
So the essence and age of maturity is brought on by the personal need to grow to adapt to time and ones environment or surroundings change in the human manifest to decree a degree of situations which produce a new personality entirely…the new you.
Is the new personal change produced by you the new phase of change in maturity…growth?
Growth is the produced result of the age of accountability.

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