Ms. Magnolia Here!

Ms. Magnolia Here!
Future American President.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

"Sex in the City" sometimes is reality?

• It’s like walking through the valley and the mists begins to disappear, the higher you begin to climb. Then once the new day begins and you reach the peak of the mountain, an entire clear and sunny sky, filled full with rays appears before you. You are presented with a new revelation of truth and clarity. For me, I pondered on the significance of youthful inquiry and adventure when one searches for companionship. God reveled this in the unspoken truth revealed in nature this Tennessee Tuesday morning. Sometimes, while you are finding yourself you are not meant to find Mr. Right, or the future Mr. Smith. In this venture to supreme adulthood and evolvement of maturity, I am delivered by the men of now, in the age of seasons. The men I find now to date are there for a season, just to learn from, to grow and evolve. Each one is a stepping stone to share my life with, each one a season of clarity, helping to build up the grandest event at the top of the mountain. I was this morning, inspired by the objective truth in the spirits of the mountain.

But then suddenly my second revelation intrigued my mind. Last night before traveling to the sound of lambs’ feet, pitter-pattering their hoofs in the background, I remember watching an episode of "Sex In the City." Carrie, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, after leaving a date with Mr. Big (as in her soul mate), she walked up the stairs to her apartment saying, "ladies your lucky if you can narrow it down to three soul mates, then occupy your time with guys just to have fun with." Carrie spoke the words of fate and truth. Sometimes, we women don't get Mr. Destiny on the first go around or in the unexpected event of meeting someone else, and he's just there to have with. Remember sometimes the reality is stay true to yourself, when searching for Mr. Right. We are looking for companionship; he's not always Mr. Right. It’s ok to have someone to hangout with and chill; its ok ladies to find the ill-fated, Mr. Right Now!

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