Ms. Magnolia Here!

Ms. Magnolia Here!
Future American President.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Oh My Mr. Darcy

• Oh My Mr. Darcy

Oh Mr. Darcy how you shine on me

So very charismatically

You refresh my heart

And awaken a countenance of superiority

Freeing the stalemate of mediocrity

Oh, Mr. Darcy how you are so bold

A treacherous force so bestowed

A defeated presence

Left adrift to the sands of time…in a realm that is all but kind

Oh, what a heart bears to love, Mr. Darcy

Yet to be loved, and to have love reciprocated is the sweet essence of hominy

With the elaborating swift beat of a rhyme so very mine.

Oh, my Dr. Darcy how your finger brushes lightly over my nose with an electric triggering guide

Disguised as romance, yet nothing can ever be clear as is it truly sincere

Oh, Mr. Darcy how you captivate my generosity

The honesty that your venom strikes in clarity

The power to syndicate my awkwardness and restrain my sensibility at best

Oh, Mr. Darcy how I wish I could pardon my thoughts to wash the memories away

The vitality of them lingers upon my breast

How I commemorate this space

Oh, my Mr. Darcy, how right Jane thou art

The Power of "Pride" keeps my resilient speed and tenacity

The Power of "Prejudice" keeps my heart beckoning clear for serenity

To lock them and let thy feelings….slumber away to the sea of dreams that cannot keep,

And lastly, Mr. Darcy, finds them all away.

Tis the Beauty of Truth

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